Kalabhairava Ashtakam – Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits, When and How to Chant


Kalabhairava Ashtakam is a powerful Sanskrit hymn that praises Lord Kalabhairava, one of the fierce forms of Lord Shiva. It was composed by the great sage and philosopher Adi Shankaracharya, who also wrote many other famous hymns and writings on the Vedas and Upanishads. This blog post will explore the lyrics, meaning, benefits, and when and how to chant this sacred chant.

Kalabhairava Ashtakam Lyrics

The Kalabhairava Ashtakam consists of eight verses, each describing an aspect or attribute of Lord Kalabhairava. The lyrics are as follows:

Vyaala-Yajnya-Suutram-Indu-Shekharam Krpaakaram |
Naarada-[A]adi-Yogi-Vrnda-Vanditam Digambaram
Kaashikaa-Pura-Adhinaatha-Kaalabhairavam Bhaje ||1||

Bhaanu-Kotti-Bhaasvaram Bhavaabdhi-Taarakam Param
Niila-Kannttham-Iipsita-Artha-Daayakam Trilocanam |
Kaashikaa-Pura-Adhinaatha-Kaalabhairavam Bhaje ||2||

Shyaama-Kaayam-Aadi-Devam-Akssaram Nir-Aamayam |
Bhiimavikramam Prabhum Vichitra-Taannddava-Priyam
Kaashikaa-Pura-Adhinaatha-Kaalabhairavam Bhaje ||3||

Bhukti-Mukti-Daayakam Prashasta-Caaru-Vigraham
Bhakta-Vatsalam Sthitam Samasta-Loka-Vigraham |
Kaashikaa-Pura-Adhinaatha-Kaalabhairavam Bhaje ||4||

Dharma-Setu-Paalakam Tva-Adharma-Maarga-Naashakam
Karma-Paasha-Mocakam Su-Sharma-Daayakam Vibhum |
Kaashikaa-Pura-Adhinaatha-Kaalabhairavam Bhaje ||5||

Nityam-Advitiiyam-Isstta-Daivatam Niramjanam |
Mrtyu-Darpa-Naashanam Karaala-Damssttra-Mokssannam
Kaashikaa-Pura-Adhinaatha-Kaalabhairavam Bhaje ||6||

Drsstti-Paata-Nasstta-Paapa-Jaalam-Ugra-Shaasanam |
Asstta-Siddhi-Daayakam Kapaala-Maalikaa-Dharam
Kaashikaa-Pura-Adhinaatha-Kaalabhairavam Bhaje ||7||

Bhuuta-Samgha-Naayakam Vishaala-Kiirti-Daayakam
Kaashi-Vaasa-Loka-Punnya-Paapa-Shodhakam Vibhum |
Niiti-Maarga-Kovidam Puraatanam Jagatpatim
Kaashikaapuraadhinaathakaalabhairavam Bhaje ||8||

Kaalabhairavaassttakam Patthamti Ye Manoharam
Jnyaana-Mukti-Saadhanam Vicitra-Punnya-Vardhanam |
Prayaanti Kaalabhairava-Amghri-Sannidhim Naraa Dhruvam ||9||

Ithi Srimatsankaracharya virachitam Kalabhairava Ashtakam Sampoornam ||

Kalabhairava Ashtakam Meaning

This verse praises the divine qualities of Lord Kalabhairava, who represents Lord Shiva and oversees the passage of time. The verse also describes his appearance and how he protects his devotees from the ocean of samsara (cycle of birth and death). The meaning of each verse is as follows:

  1. I worship Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who is served by the king of gods, whose lotus feet are like fire, who has the moon on his forehead, who is merciful, who is adored by sages like Narada, who is naked, who has three eyes, who is the destroyer of time, who holds a skull, a snake, a noose and a club in his hands.
  2. I worship Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who shines like a million suns, who is the bridge across the ocean of existence, who is supreme, who has a blue neck, who fulfills the wishes of those who bow to him, who has three eyes, who is the death of death, who has lotus-like eyes, who has an imperishable syllable on his forehead.
  3. I worship Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who has a spear, a noose, and a club in his hands, who is the cause of creation, maintenance, and destruction, who is eternal, who is terrific, who is beyond measure, who likes the splendid dance of destruction, who has a black body and a beautiful form.
  4. I worship Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who presents worldly pleasures and liberation, who is well known for his charming form, who is a friend of his devotees, who is the lord of all, who has a golden waistband that makes a pleasant sound by the movement of golden bells.
  5. I worship Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, who protects the bridge of righteousness, who destroys the path of unrighteousness, who liberates from the bondage of karma, who bestows good fortune on his devotees, who has a shining body adorned with golden ropes.
  6. I worship Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi, whose feet are adorned with gem-studded sandals that shine brilliantly on his devotees’ heads. He is always present as the supreme deity. He is pure and removes the fear of death with his fierce teeth.
  7. I worship Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi. He shines with a garland of skulls that covers his chest. He destroys all sins with his laughing eyes. He grants the eight powers to his devotees. He wears a skull as an ornament on his forehead.
  8. I worship Kalabhairava, the lord of Kashi. He is the leader of ghosts and spirits. He presents excellent fame to his devotees. He lives in Kashi and purifies all sins. He is an expert in the path of righteousness. He is ancient and the lord of the universe.

Kalabhairava Ashtakam Benefits

Chanting Kalabhairava Ashtakam has many benefits for the devotees. Some of them are:

  • It removes fear and anxiety from our minds and instills courage and confidence.
  • It helps us overcome obstacles and difficulties in life and succeed in all endeavors.
  • It grants protection from enemies, evil forces, and negative influences.
  • It grants wealth, prosperity, and happiness to our family and ourselves.
  • It awakens our spiritual awareness and leads to self-realization.
  • It cleanses our karma and frees us from the cycle of birth and death.

When and How to Chant Kalabhairava Ashtakam

The best time to chant Kalabhairava Ashtakam is early morning or evening. One can chant it daily or on special occasions such as Shivaratri or Kalabhairava Jayanti. One can chant it 3, 9, or 11 times at convenience. One can also chant it in front of a Kalabhairava idol or picture or at a Kalabhairava temple. One should chant it with devotion and concentration and pray to Lord Kalabhairava for his blessings.

Final Thoughts

Kalabhairava Ashtakam is a powerful hymn that glorifies Lord Kalabhairava and invokes his grace. One can experience his presence and guidance by chanting it regularly with faith and love. May Lord Kalabhairava bless us all with his auspiciousness.

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